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Nepalese citizenship and immigration services.

Moving to a new nation is exhilarating and intimidating at the same time. Here are 9 crucial pointers to assist you to settle into your new life if you have come to the US from Nepal. With these practical suggestions, you'll quickly feel at home in your new residence!

Get to know your new community and neighbors

It might be intimidating to move to a new location and get to know the locals, but it doesn't have to be! A simple place to start is simply saying hello to your neighbors. The ice may be broken with a pleasant wave as you pass each other on the street or a greeting in the mailroom. Additionally, you should take advantage of any community-sponsored events or get-togethers, such as potlucks, picnics, and food festivals, since there is no better way to meet new people than via amusement. Additionally, you learn about new foods from many civilizations' cuisines! The ease with which you settle in may be greatly improved by getting to know your new neighborhood.

Learn the language as soon as possible

Although it might be challenging and time-consuming, learning a new language can also be among life's most gratifying experiences. You would never have imagined some of the doors that can be opened when you take the time to learn about another culture by communicating with its inhabitants in their language. Being able to converse with people in a foreign language opens up a world of possibilities, whether it's for business or personal reasons. The memories, experiences, and discussions you will have as a result of making the commitment to learn a language are priceless.

Find a job or start a business

It might be difficult to decide whether to establish a company or look for employment. It necessitates investigating the advantages and disadvantages of each option, evaluating your resources and goals, and balancing the risks involved. When making any significant decisions, it is crucial to take the time to do this extensive study. You can determine whether looking for a job is suitable for you by understanding the many career options that could be available, including industry trends and economic variables. If establishing a company appeals to you more, there are a number of things to consider before getting started, such as the market and your competition. Any path you select will involve commitment and effort, but knowing it is supported by reliable research may give you confidence and raise your chances of success.

Understand and obey the law

It's critical to comprehend and uphold the law. Citizens feel more accountable and responsible when they follow the law. It aids in maintaining order and prevents chaos in society. Not only that but abiding by the law guarantees equity for everyone and deters harmful criminality. Additionally, abiding by the law prevents individuals from taking advantage of those who may not be as aware of their rights. Thus, maintaining a secure and peaceful society depends on everyone knowing and following the law.

Be prepared for culture shock

It might be difficult to prepare for and anticipate culture shock while visiting a foreign country. It may be enlightening and eye-opening to encounter various cultures, yet it can also leave one feeling uneasy or confused. Make it important to understand local conventions and norms before traveling to a new location so that you are more prepared for your arrival. Additionally, if you can, try talking to locals or other tourists; it's important to comprehend one another's viewpoints and learn from one another's experiences if you want to integrate into a new culture. Keep an open mind above all else; by respecting other cultures, you will be better able to endure any first culture shock.

Make an effort to assimilate and connect with the local culture

Assimilation into local cultures may help remove barriers and foster an atmosphere of acceptance and support since there are so many individuals around the globe who are from many cultures. Learning about the traditions, culture, and beliefs of a new location might make locals or tourists feel more at home there. When done well, it enables people to retain their own identity while gaining respect for other cultures. Additionally, studies have shown that being a part of the community may help people become more tolerant of others' differences and receptive to other cultures. In the modern world, when international collaboration is crucial for success, this is particularly critical. Learning about the local culture may assist you and others around you by bridging cultural divides, whether you're working, studying, or visiting overseas.

Make use of available resources and social services

Today's society offers a wide range of resources and social services to help those in need. They vary from simple food banks to comprehensive educational efforts and even activities for job training. While taking advantage of these opportunities may require some work and planning, individuals who ask for assistance may reap great returns. Not only will people who need help get it, but many of these services will also provide priceless future mentoring and counseling. One guaranteed approach to immediately improve our lives and the lives of others is to use the available resources and social services.

Connect with the Nepali community

Connecting with your Nepali community in the USA may provide you that feeling of belonging. It may not be easy to find a Nepali community in the USA, but there are many websites and apps that can help you with this. Additionally, attending cultural events or joining online forums and groups for Nepalese people living in the US is another way to make connections.

Network and build relationships with people from all walks of life.

One cannot overstate the value of networking and developing connections with individuals from all areas of life. Knowing a variety of individuals may broaden one's outlook on life and expose one to new concepts or experiences. It may improve not just your personal comprehension but also the world as a whole. You get the information required to support individuals who are underrepresented in society by hearing other points of view, seeing how others live, and understanding the intricacies of life. Making an effort to establish connections with people who have diverse backgrounds from your own can not only promote mutual respect but also lead to a more fair and understanding world.


When traveling to a US from Nepal, it is essential to know the culture and customs of the US. It helps in assimilating into a new culture, making use of available resources, connecting with Nepali communities in the US, and networking with people from different backgrounds. Taking all these steps can make your trip much more enjoyable and impactful!

Written by

Uttam Gaule
Uttam is a long-time Nepalese expat living in the USA and has gained insight into what life as an immigrant looks like. He writes about his experience and provides helpful information through his blog at Lalmon.

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