Kaju ko Barfi (Cashew Slice)– A Delicious Nepalese Sweet

Total Time: 30 minutes
Serving size: 12-14 servings

Kaju ko Barfi or Cashew nut barfi is a traditional Nepalese sweet that has been enjoyed in Nepal for centuries. It is typically made with cashews, sugar, ghee, and cardamom powder as the main ingredients. The cashews are first soaked in water to soften them and then blended into a paste. The sugar syrup is cooked on low to medium heat until it forms a soft lump, after which the cashew paste is added and mixed in. Ghee and cardamom powder are stirred into the mixture before taking it off the heat and rolling it onto a smooth surface. Finally, the barfi is cut into 12-14 diamond or square shapes and served. This deliciously sweet treat is perfect for any occasion and can be enjoyed with family and friends.
Lb00081 Kaju Ko Barfi

Written & Reviewed by

Sanju Kunwar
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- 2 cups cashew nuts (soaked in water for 2 hours)- 1 cup sugar (powdered)- 1 tablespoon ghee- Β½ teaspoon cardamom powder (sukumel)- Edible silver foil (optional)


1. Soak the cashews in water for two hours and then blend them into a fine paste using as little water as possible.2. In a saucepan, make a syrup (chasni) of sugar and water and cook it on low to medium heat while stirring continuously until the mixture forms a soft lump.3. Add in the cashew paste and mix well.4. Stir in the ghee and cardamom powder into the mixture before taking it off the heat.5. Roll out the mixture onto a smooth surface using a rolling pin (belna).6. Cut into 12-14 diamond or square shapes with a sharp knife before serving.
Kaju ko Barfi is an easy yet delicious traditional Nepalese sweet that can be enjoyed by everyone at any occasion! This barfi is made with cashews, sugar, ghee, and cardamom powder as the main ingredients. Once you have soaked the cashews in water to soften them and blended it into a paste, you can easily follow the steps above to make this sweet treat for yourself or loved ones.


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