Prepare Authentic Nepali Achar with Pudina (Mint Leaf Pickle) in 10 Minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes
Serving size: 4 servings

Making traditional Nepalese dishes like Pudina ko Achar can be a challenge to master. It is an authentic dish handed down from generation to generation, and it takes time and precision to prepare. However, with the right combination of ingredients and technique, you can create a delicious version of this classic dish in just 10 minutes! This recipe features mint as the primary ingredient,, along with cumin, black dal, channa dhal, pepper, coriander seeds, red chili powder, green chili powder, tamarind powder and coconut. With a few simple steps and some light frying, you can easily prepare this dish in no time!
Lb00071 Pudina Ko Achar

Written & Reviewed by

Sanju Kunwar
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- 1 bunch of Mint- 1 tablespoon Oil- 3/4 tablespoon Cumin- 1 tablespoon Black Dal soaked in water- 2 tablespoons Channa dhal- 1/4 tablespoon Pepper- 1 tablespoon Coriander Seeds- 1 Red Chili- 2 Green Chillies- A pinch of Tamarind powder- 2 tablespoons Coconut- Salt as required


1. Start by cleaning the mint by taking only the leaves, washing them and setting aside.2. Heat oil in a pan and add the black dal, channa dhal and remaining ingredients. Fry for 1 minute.3. Add the mint leaves and fry till the leaves shrink and release moisture. This should take about 3-5 minutes. Allow to cool down once done.4. Add coconut before grinding everything into a fine paste with water if necessary.5. Serve your Pudina ko Achar once it is ready!
Pudina ko Achar is an authentic Nepali dish that can be quickly prepared in 10 minutes with simple steps and just a few ingredients! Not only will you get to enjoy the flavors of this classic dish but you will also feel proud of being able to make it yourself!


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