A Quick and Easy Recipe for Tite Karela ko Achar (Bitter Gourds Pickle)

Total Time: 25 minutes
Serving size: 4-5 servings

This traditional Nepali dish of tite karela (bitter gourd) ko achar will tantalize your taste buds. The combination of spices, vinegar, and oil make this dish zesty and flavorful. Preparing the recipe is easy as it only takes 25 minutes from start to finish. Plus, you can adjust the amount of chili powder according to your preferred level of spiciness. Serve with steamed rice or chapatti for a complete meal.
Lb00073 Tite Karela (bitter Gourds) Ko Achar

Written & Reviewed by

Sanju Kunwar
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- 2 Bitter gourds- 3 teaspoons Mustard seeds- 1/2 teaspoon Asafetida powdered- Β½ tea spoon Fenugreek seeds- 2 or 3 teaspoons Chili powder- 1 table spoon Vinegar- Salt to taste- 2 table spoons Vegetable Oil


1. Cut the bitter gourd into thin pieces.2. Dry roast 2 teaspoons mustard and Β½ teaspoon fenugreek seeds, then grind them into a fine powder.3. Heat vegetable oil in a pan and let 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds splutter. 4. Add the powdered mustard, fenugreek, and asafetida, stir properly.5. Add the salt, chili powder and bitter gourd to the pan and mix everything together.6. Pour a little hot water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar into the pan, stirring well.7. Close the pan and cook it until the bitter gourd is done (around 25 minutes).
Tite karela ko achar is an incredibly tasty Nepali dish that requires minimal preparation time but packs plenty of flavor! The combination of spices, vinegar, oil, and of course, the bitterness from Bitter Gourd make for an interesting taste that everyone will be sure to love! Serve with steamed rice or chapatti for a complete meal. Enjoy!


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